
Good Old Floppy Disks vs. SD Cards

A couple of days back, I came across a bunch of floppy disks hidden deep in my desk drawer. I was curious to find out what's in it and ordered a drive - ridiculous price; maybe it's the demand (lack of it). Anyway, I got swept away in nostalgia and started comparing the floppy disks of the 80’s and 90’s with the SD cards that are commonly used now. Objects that seem to have a distinct personality of their own have always been fascinating to me. So, when I started comparing the floppy disks and SD cards, invariably I had a preference for the former. Why, I wonder? Floppy disks had such a ...
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A good indicator that the Competition has taken notice of you!

Check this out!! From time to time, I keep checking on Amazon to see if our products are listed correctly and are visible to our customers. On one such trip to, here's what I noticed when I tried searching for our books using 'Life Skills 360' keyword! Our competition has taken notice of who we are and are trying to re-route traffic! I accept the recognition with complete humility!    
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Here’s an Offer you can’t resist or should we say you wouldn’t…

Dear School Administrators, Our books are currently being used in TWO (2) Countries and Eleven (11) States. The feedback has been PHENOMENAL. Here are a couple of them: "Kids are enjoying Life Skills 360 books more than the other subjects..." "Teachers are finding it easy to conduct Life Skills classes because students are eager and keen to attend these classes - Thanks to Life Skills 360!" To make it easier for you to evaluate our product and recommend it to your students for the upcoming academic year, we have an offer for you. Read on. So What's the Offer? We would like to...
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What are Life Skills and why impart Life Skills to students?

Here's my take on what Life Skills are and why it is critical to impart them to students from a young age. What are life skills? The WHO (World Health Organisation) defines Life Skills as "the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with demands and challenges of everyday life.” As per the WHO, 10 basic skills that come within the ambit of life skills are critical thinking, creative thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, effective communication, interpersonal relationship, self-awareness, empathy, coping with emotions and coping with...
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Finally, after 15 months of development effort, a suite of 17 Life Skills books is ready for distribution. The development team comprised of consulting child psychologists, story writers, content writers, 3D animators, storyboard artists, content managers, proof-readers, editors, 2D designers, teachers, parents and mobile developers. Considering the amount of quality content that we generated in the last 15 months or so, the team deserves a rich round of applause. Product development is never easy. Of the thousands and lakhs that get built each year, only a few hundreds survive. You think y...
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